Members Booklet



The club shall be called “Coulsdon Court Veterans Golf Club” and shall play over the Coulsdon Court Course, subject to the regulations approved by the management.

The objects of the Club shall be:
(a) to abide by the Rules of Golf and Amateur Status laid down by the R & A Rules Ltd.
(b) To comply with the rules of the World Handicapping System laid down by R&A and USGA and any conditions imposed within the system by England Golf (EG)
(c) To comply with the Rules and Articles of Association of EG Ltd and the Rules of its County Union.
(d) To adopt the EG/English Women's Golf Union (EWGU) Equity and Equal Opportunities Policy.
(e)To comply with Safe Golf policies and procedures
(f) To agree to the Terms and Conditions of EG. Anti-Doping Policy & Rules.
(g) To extend a welcome to all players using the Course for their recreation and, by example, to avoid damage to the Course by players and other persons;
(h) to promote Club competitions and matches and thereby engender a genial spirit of rivalry and good fellowship.

CCVGC is a Senior Men’s Club that welcomes new members. Membership is open to men of about 60 who are in a position to play regular weekday golf. Applicants must be proposed and seconded by two members of the Club.
In the case where the Applicant has no previous Official Handicap the Membership Secretary will ask the candidate to produce three cards which shall be recorded whilst playing with one member of the Handicap Committee at the course. In the case of a candidate who has a current official handicap from EG, that handicap will be accepted.
The applicant must also attend a meeting with at least two members of the Club Committee. Following satisfactory outcomes to these preliminaries a handicap will be given. After issuing of the Handicap the new member shall be able to participate in all Club competitions.
Honorary Life Membership may be granted to a member if, in the opinion of the Committee, he has merited this by past service to the Club. A member may be recommended by the Committee for election as President
of the Club at an Annual General Meeting.

The Club will collect the annual payments due to the County Union and EG, from all registered members and pass these on to the County Union.
The Club’s financial year shall run from 1st January to 31st December. The annual subscription shall be fixed by the Committee in the light of inflation and fluctuations in the expenses falling on the Club during the previous year.
An entrance fee for new members shall be decided annually by the Committee. Every member shall be responsible for paying his subscription not later than the 31st December in advance for the year starting 1st January. A reminder of any unpaid subscriptions will be posted on the notice board immediately after 31st December. If any subscriptions remain unpaid by the 14th January the Secretary will inform the member/s in writing that unless his subscription is received within ten days of the date of the letter he will be deemed to have resigned and his name will removed from the list of members and he will be ineligible to participate in any Club competitions or events.

The officers of the Club shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. Those officers shall be the Chairman, Captain, Vice-Captain, Secretary, Treasurer and Match Secretary. The Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Match Secretary will serve for one year and will automatically retire at the end of their period of office but will be entitled to offer themselves for re-election at an Annual General Meeting. The terms of offices of the Captain, Vice-Captain and immediate past Captain are stated in item 7(b) below. The Committee shall appoint one of their members to act as Welfare Officer to keep in touch with members on the sick-list.

The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held on a date not later than the third week in January. The Secretary shall give notice of the date of the meeting not less than twenty-eight days beforehand and invite items for the agenda. Items for the agenda, including an explanatory note where necessary, shall be received by the Secretary not less than twelve days after notice of the date of the meeting. An agenda for the meeting shall be prepared by the Secretary and posted on the Club notice board and sent to members by email, not later than ten days before the date of the meeting. An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be arranged at the written request of at least ten members, such requests to state the business for which the meeting is to be convened.

The management and control of the Club shall be vested in the Committee, which shall consist of the following:
(a) the officers of the Club;
(b) three other members of the Club, two of whom shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting, the other to be the retiring Captain who will serve for one further year. A member retiring from the Committee is eligible for re-election.
(c) the current Chairman of Handicaps.
The Committee shall be empowered to co-opt not more than two additional members for a period not longer than that remaining before the next Annual General Meeting. The Committee shall also have the power to fill any vacancies in their numbers that may arise during the year. Any member so appointed shall hold office for the remainder of the period for which the member he is replacing was appointed.
A meeting may be summoned by the Secretary at any time but he shall summon at least three each year. He shall also call a meeting if requested to do so by the Chairman or Captain. Four members shall constitute a quorum. Every member shall have a vote upon each proposal, provided that in the event of a tie, the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.

Any two members of the Club may nominate another member, who has given his consent, to serve as an officer of the Club or as a member of the Committee. Such nominations must be entered on a form which will be attached to the notice of the Annual General Meeting.

The Handicap and Competition Committee shall comprise a Chairman and three other members all of whom shall be elected annually at a General Meeting. The Chairman will be co-opted onto the Club Committee. The H & C Committee will have the power to fill any vacancy occurring during the year by co-opting another member. The H&C Committee will have control over all matters relating to handicaps and the rules applicable to Club competitions and will meet not less than twice a year. It will be responsible for co-ordinating the programme for the following year. Handicaps shall be calculated in accordance with the World Handicapping System Rules issued by the R&A and USGA.

All suggestions, complaints and differences arising between members shall be referred to the Committee through the Secretary, in writing. The decision of the Committee on these matters shall be final.

The rules of the game shall be those drawn up by R&A Rules Ltd.

The Committee shall have power to make local rules providing that they comply with the Rules of Golf.
The Committee shall have power to make any additional local rules regarding Non-Qualifying Competitions.
Any proposed changes to the Rules for Qualifying Competitions which do not comply with the Rules of Golf will be submitted to the SCGU for Approval prior to use.

The Committee shall be responsible for the programme of competitions with the Match Secretary organising outings and matches against other clubs, and with the Secretary, Handicaps Chairman and Captain jointly responsible for organising Club competitions.
Details of Club competitions shall be posted on the notice board at least one week before the competition is due to take place.
The Handicap Committee is responsible for marking all competition score cards, with authority to disqualify for incomplete or incorrect cards, for keeping records of members’ scores and for posting on the notice board results of competitions and changes of handicaps.

Anything not provided for in these Rules shall be dealt with at the discretion of the Committee.

Revised in respect of the changes approved at the AGM held on the 5th January 2022.



There are many varieties of these competitions. The rules set out below are the versions played by the CCGVC and supersede any previously published.
Played in stroke mode and normally in teams of four, but if unavoidable, teams of three may play, though different rules apply.
4-Player Teams- each player must have at least four tee shots chosen. Identify the tee shot for each player selected hole-by-hole on the score card. The player whose tee shot is selected cannot play the next shot. The other three players all play from the marked position and another best ball position is selected, and again the player of the chosen ball is denied a shot. This manner of play continues until a ball is on the green when all four players may putt until holing out.
3-Player Teams- each player must have at least five tee shots chosen and identified on the score card. All three players may then play from the chosen best ball position until holing out. Chosen Positions must all be marked. If on the fairway balls may be placed. If in the rough or in a hazard, balls must be dropped. In all cases not nearer the hole.
Scoring- each team has one score card only. The total of the team’s handicap is divided by 10 (ten) and deducted from the gross score of the team, over the 18 holes. For teams of three, the total of the team’s handicap is divided by 6 (six) and deducted from the gross score of the team over the 18 holes.
This is a stroke competition which has similarities with the Texas Scramble. Both paired partners tee off. The better ball is selected and both players take their second shots from
that position, the player who hit to the chosen position playing the ball as it lies, his partner placing or dropping if not on fairway. This format is repeated including putting.
Scoring- A single score card for each pairing. Gross score of partnership less 3/8’s (three eighths) of the total handicap of the team.
This can be played in stroke or Stableford, One score card for the partnership with combined net scores or points as specified.
A Stableford competition played exclusively in teams of three. On each hole one plays the yellow ball, the other two white balls in rotation.
Lowest handicap plays yellow on 1st hole
Middle handicap plays yellow on 2nd hole
Highest handicap plays yellow on 3rd hole
This order is kept throughout the round so that each player has the yellow ball six times.
Scoring The points score for the yellow ball and the better score of the white balls are added for each hole. On the card, record in three columns: players A, B, & C. The gross score must be recorded for whoever is yellow and the best gross score of the other two. Mark each column with handicap allowances (full handicap allowance for each player). Record two sets of points in 4th column taking into account individual handicap allowances and total points in last column.
This is a stroke competition for individual players that shamelessly favours the elderly over the able.
Scoring Net strokes less age in years at time. Lowest score wins- usually a minus.
Played in stroke with only four golf clubs in the bag, one of which must be a putter.
Both partners tee off, and for the second shot, they play their partner's ball where it lies. If the ball is unplayable, take relief as normal and add a penalty stroke. Third shot, select the better ball , the partner who didn’t play the better ball , plays the third shot and then play alternately until holing out. One scorecard is used for the pair. Handicap master will calculate the result.
Both partners play individual stroke games and record their individual scores for each hole on the card.
The Handicap Master system will evaluate which players score is recorded, based on each players' reduced H/C.
2/3 COMPETITION (in teams of 3)
Teams of three players shall play in stableford format, all players shall record their stroke and points scores on all Par 3 holes. The best 2 players shall record their stroke and points scores on all other holes.
The team score shall be the total of the points recorded.


1. OUT OF BOUNDS - Rule 2.1
a. Beyond any fence, hedge, wall, line of white stakes, or line of white markings on trees defining the boundary of the course.
b. All tarmac surfaces except for the area of the entrance road inside the boundaries defined by the white stakes (see Rule 4 for relief).
c. The hotel, the patio, the surrounding lawns and flower beds.
d. Beyond the hedge to the right of the 10th hole as defined by the white stakes on the 9th hole.
e. Beyond the wall behind the 18th green.
Any defined temporary putting green that is not in use is a wrong green and relief MUST be taken under R&A Rule 13.1f.
a. Distance marker posts.
b. Hoops, ropes and metal stakes protecting worn ground or marking ‘Ground Under Repair’ areas.
a. All artificial surfaces including the defined area of the entrance road (see Rule 1b).
b. Staked trees and bushes (relief MUST be taken).
c. All fixed sprinkler heads.
d. All signs, course furniture, bins, ball cleaners, safety netting, steps to and from teeing ground, temporary teeing mats, the flower beds and their stone surroundings by the entrance on the 14th hole and the bridge behind the 18th green.
e. If any immovable obstruction is on or within two club lengths of the putting green of the hole being played and interferes on the line of play between the ball and the hole, relief may be obtained, without penalty, as follows: if the ball lies off the putting green in the general area and is within two club-lengths of the intervening obstruction, it may be lifted, cleaned and dropped at the nearest point to where the ball lay which: (a) is not nearer the hole, (b) avoids such intervention and (c) is in the general area.
a. All areas marked ‘Ground Under Repair’ (relief MUST be taken).
b. Only on the putting green-any plugged or unplugged hole or any area marked ‘Ground Under Repair’ that interferes with the line of the putt.
Please check noticeboard for additional and temporary rules.
Preferred lies only apply during the period from 1 October to 30 April and in accordance with Rules of Golf Appendix 1, Part B, 4c.
A ball lying on a closely mown area in the general area may be lifted without penalty and cleaned. Before lifting the ball, the player must mark its position. Having lifted the ball, he must place it on a spot within 6 inches [150mm] of and not nearer the hole than where it originally lay, that is not in a hazard and not on a putting green.
A player may place his ball only once, and it is in play when it has been placed, Rule 20-3d applies. If the ball when placed fails to come to rest on the spot on which it is placed and it subsequently moves, there is no penalty and the ball must be played as it lies, unless the provisions of any other Rule apply.
If the player fails to mark the position of the ball before lifting it or moves the ball in any other manner, such as rolling it with a club, he incurs a penalty of one stroke.
Note: “Closely mown area” means any area of the course, including paths through the rough, cut to fairway height or less.
Where a club competition is organized into groups of three players, no player may join a group of three except at the back of the field. Where it happens all four players will be liable to disqualification. This rule is meant to prevent faster groups of three being held up by slower groups of four. Note that some competitions have a two tee start (usually 1 and 14). Therefore joining in the last group off the first tee will mean that you are in front of groups from 14 and thus will be potentially disqualified.
(Rev March 2020)


1. Members Handicaps shall be determined and maintained in accordance with the Club Constitution and shall be calculated using Handicap Master software.
2. Members are required to submit 3 cards from Qualifying Competitions per year in order to maintain an Active Handicap.
Members whose Handicaps are declared INVALID shall have a grace period of three months from the 1st April each year during which they shall be required to submit three cards marked by a member during a Qualifying Competition. If the members handicap remains INVALID after the grace period he shall not be permitted to win any prizes in club competitions until his Handicap is validated.


Members are reminded that they are responsible for their actions on the course. Recent legal cases have shown that players can be held jointly liable with the Course Operator for damage caused to persons and property from golf balls. The Player being liable for the majority of any successful claim. CCVGC therefore recommends that all Members should hold a suitable personal insurance to cover such situations, in some cases members may find that they have such cover on their property insurance.
CCVGC holds personal liability insurance for its members, conditions apply.


Permission to store and process your data.
In order to manage your membership, we need to record personal data, some of which is held digitally and some as hard copy. The information we collect is limited to what is necessary for the administration of the club’s membership. We are happy to consider any requests you have in relation to your data.
What is personal data?
Personal data is data which can be used to identify you. This includes your name, email address, and phone number. In certain circumstances we may need to collect from you some additional information, such as any relevant health information so we can manage safe access to the Club and its facilities for your benefit.
Where is the data stored?
Your information is stored electronically on the computers of select committee members and some hard copy information is also held by the Membership Secretary. The information is held securely and can be accessed only by the committee members on whose computers the information is stored. Limited contact information including name and contact details will be accessible on request by other members in order for matches to be arranged.
How will your data be used?
Your data will primarily be used for the purpose of managing your membership. We will contact you to inform you of upcoming events and to send e-newsletters and other announcements directly relevant to your membership.

What is a Data Controller?
A Data Controller is someone who is responsible for your data and who must make sure that your data is processed according to the law. For example, they are responsible for making sure that the information held about you is accurate and that it is kept secure. Whilst CCVGC is the data controller for the purposes of the GDPR, please contact the Secretary of CCVGC at if you have any queries regarding your data.